Sunday, September 25, 2011

Starting on Second Life

It's been a whole semester since I've properly built on this programme again, but wasn't long before all the shortcuts flash backed to me. The idea was to renovate the building around the new idea of the gifting if light, but to renovate it I first had to construct the original building. Although the only space I found large enough for my building was on the kaiako-side of the tallest mountain... since I had to adjust the architecture to suit the new topography I had already started renovating.

It started with pancake-levelling of the base floors, just to set a general shape for the facade to follow and also to give me a visual guide later on. Ian suggested I play around with floor height and placement, not to make something generic. That's a thought I'm keeping in the back of my mind as I'll start to renovate.

The main holdback so far has been the amount of time it takes to position each prim in relation to another, getting it just right involves a lot of angle work as well as movement. But moreso has been the lack of available prims - the region has a set limit for how many prims there can be. Since all the projects from the last few groups as well as past projects from last semester and even last year are present, there's not a lot of space left.

Also noticed that Bennett (BigFudge) is building very close to mine, could be an opportunity to connect later on

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