Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Developing on to the final concept idea

This idea could be too general. I wanted to focus on an aspect of sustenance, while still looking at broader picture. Instead of comparing the developing aspect of sustenance with the development of technology and research, i decided to look at it from a more personal level
- my own development of sustenance. As I moved from India when i was 4, to Australia, then to New Zealand when i was 11, my own ideas of sustenance was changing. More importantly, it was the quality of maintaining my living standards. Computers, Fast-paced entertainment, video games, high levels of hygiene, a soft spring mattress etc. were slowly beginning to become something that i 'required,' a necessity that developed into my way of living.

But this can be for anyone, someone living in a western country with a higher standard of living, vs. e.g. a tribesman in rural africa, who would have a much simpler ideology of his sustenance.

An inspiration the tutors provided to me was the mobius strip
- and using some of the ideas that it visually conveys: especially the infinite loop, which can be compared to the routine nature of sustenance, and its cyclic quality that can also be compared to the cycle of one's sutenance (where naturally everything is recycled - air,food, etc).

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