Saturday, August 6, 2011

Peer Review 1: Laser Cutting

On the day of the crit, I also got a chance to peer review 3 other projects

The first one was Ye Jin Yoon, a project based on the light flickering through the branches of trees (quite like mine), and the shadows this creates. The execution was brilliant, as the development lead to a result that was architecturally stunning - the photography inside the model made it seem like a real lifelike scuplture, and the windows were reminiscent of Frank Geary's style. I really liked this project

The next project was also based on light dispersion and reflection (seems like a really popular topic). The idea was particularly looking at waking up to the sun shining light through windows, and how windows are the 'passages' through only which light enters a given space (this is how i understood this anyway). The final design also seemed to have been inspired from a youtube video on 'bubbles.'

The last looked very interesting, although I still wasn't able to grasp what exactly the focus was. It seemed to relate to the idea of rare alleyways and streets in the city where people don't often travel through, and also the idea of light spreading through the streets (I may have this wrong and confused with another project, but it's what I wrote down). The reason this became a little confusing for me is because it seemed to have many different focuses and justifications. The centre cube inside the large hypothetical cube was based on the idea of space within a space, and the cutout shapes in the perspex was inspired from Tado Indo's 'church of light.' It was hard to read what he was trying to portray. It doesn't matter, it looked awesome anyway.

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